Le Petit Septième

Reviews and comments on Quebec, international and author cinema

Collaborators wanted


You are passionate about Quebec and international cinema?

Do you have a good critical spirit and a beautiful writing?

LPS is looking for new collaborators to write reviews. Although not remunerated, the critics will have the opportunity to attend press showings and events* and to see what’s new before their release in theaters. They will also have access to free movies from our database. The texts of the collaborators will be published on the website of Le Petit Septième and diffused on all of its social media.

Mandate of critics

  • Write a review between 500 and 1000 words in a short time, and this at least once a month;
  • Go to press screenings, events, festivals (which usually take place in Montreal)*;

To apply

Send your resume and a review of the film of your choice, as an example, to info@lepetitseptieme.ca.

* LPS will give the opportunity to employees to attend press screenings and events free of charge, but travel expenses are not covered.


You are a student in translation or English is your mother tongue?

You have a lot of interest in cinema?

Le Petit Septième is looking for translators to translate film reviews. Although unpaid, it is a translation experience for a recognized media, highly relevant to add to a resume. Plus, the translator will have access to free movies from our selected list. The translated texts will be published on LPS’s website and posted on all of its social media.

Mandate of translators

  • Translate a review (between 500 and 1000 words) from French to English, in a short time, at least once a month;

To apply

Send your CV and an English translation of the review of A Film by Vera Vaughn, as an example, to info@lepetitseptieme.ca.


You are in love with the English language and handle it with grace? Are you a student of literature or an English teacher?

You have a lot of interest in cinema?

Le Petit Septième is looking for collaborators to punctually review the language of film reviews. Although not remunerated, this is a proofreading experience for a recognized media, highly relevant to add on a resume. Plus, the proofreader will have access to free movies from our selected list. The revised texts will be published on the website of LPS and posted on all of its social media.

Mandate of the proofreaders

  • Proofread reviews (between 500 and 1000 words) in English, in a short time, at least twice a month;

To apply

Send your resume to info@lepetitseptieme.ca and we will send you a text to proofread.

© 2023 Le petit septième