Le Petit Septième

Reviews and comments on Quebec, international and author cinema

Fondu au noir 2023 - une

The 12th Fade to Black Festival unveils its program

On 31 January 2023

The Fade to Black Festival, created by the Fabienne Colas Foundation and presented by the TD Bank Group, presents its 12th edition from February 8 to 12, 2023, with a hybrid in-person and online format. For its return with great fanfare since 2020, the festival will honor Afro-descendant women every day of its programming.

To mark Black History Month, the festival offers a program combining film screenings, discussion panels, major interviews, and a music show, totaling nearly 50 guests and artists. The program highlights well-known personalities from the Quebec and Canadian cultural scene, including Dominique Anglade, Fabienne Colas, Zab Maboungou, Amina Gerba, Ilam, Déborah Cherenfant, Shérane Figaro, Sabine Daniel, Kerlande Mibel, Camille Esther Garon, Marina Mathieu , Marilyn Cooke, Émilie Mannering, Sara Nacer, various filmmakers and many others.

At the program

Opening night


Series of 5 short films directed by women
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 — 6PM ($20) – at the Cinémathèque québécoise (255 boul. de Maisonneuve Est, Montreal) Tickets on sale here: www.fonduaunoir.ca  

Fondu au noir 2023 - Soirée ouverture

An opening night dedicated to five female filmmakers who promote the African-Canadian and Quebec film industry both nationally and internationally. Following the screenings, a discussion will take place around the profession of filmmaker and inclusion in the Quebec and Canadian landscape.  

  • Amani (Alliah Fafin), 17 min, 2020
  • Pas de fantôme à la morgue (Marilyn Cooke), 16 min, 2022  
  • Him & Her (Simonee Chichester), 22 min, 2022
  • Nid d’oiseaux (Nadia Louis-Desmarchais), 9 min , 2022  
  • À la vie à l’amor (Émilie Mannering), 15 min, 2022 

The films will be followed by a discussion moderated by Diane Gistal, founder of Nigra Iuventa.

The Great Interviews

Open-hearted discussion with Dominique Anglade — Thursday, February 9, 2023 – 6 p.m. ($35) – at the Grande Bibliothèque (475 Boul. de Maisonneuve E. Montréal).

An exclusive meeting with Dominique Anglade, hosted by Fabienne Colas, actress, director, producer, entrepreneur, founder of the Fade to Black Festival. A heart-to-heart discussion with the former Deputy Premier of Quebec, former leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, engineer, social entrepreneur and author.

One-on-one meeting with Zab Maboungou — Saturday, February 11, 2023 – 2 p.m. ($20) – Afromusée (533 rue Ontario E. Montréal)

Fondu au noir - entrevue avec Zab

A one-on-one meeting with Zab Maboungou, artist-choreographer and performer, professor of philosophy and author of the book Heya. An essential introduction to what makes the dance and the dancer, intended for those who are looking for a teaching that is both rigorous and dynamic in the principles of dance. Theory and practice of Loketo – postural principle and rhythmic spring.

 The meeting is preceded by the piece Duodenum, choreographed by Zab Maboungou. 

The meeting is hosted by Shérane Figaro, Choreographer, performer, trainer, podcast host.

Closing evening

Great Online Interview: Discussion with the Honorable Amina Gerba, Senator — Sunday, February 12, 2023 – 6 p.m. – ONLINE

A heart-to-heart meeting about the professional career and exceptional career of Senator Amina Gerba.

Fondu au noir 2023 - cloture

The Senator of Canada, who represents Quebec, is an entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience. In 1995, she created her own consulting firm, Afrique Expansion inc., to forge ties between Canada and Africa and to foster business opportunities. From February 2018 until her appointment, Senator Gerba was Chair of the Board of Directors of Entreprendre ici, an organization set up as part of Quebec’s 2017-2022 Government Action Plan for Entrepreneurship (PAGE), to support entrepreneurs from cultural communities. Senator Gerba has served on public and private boards, and is a mentor with the African Entrepreneurs and Professionals Network.

The meeting will be hosted by Déborah Cherenfant, Director Quebec, Women in Business, TD Bank Group.

Film section

Friday, February 10, 2023 – 7 p.m. – Maison de la culture de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (6400 Monkland Ave, Montreal)


The Fade to Black Festival presents the 12 French- and English-speaking short film documentaries of Being Black in Montreal from the 2021 edition of the Being Black in Canada program of the Fabienne Colas Foundation. A program presented by Netflix, in collaboration with the National Bank, and supported by Telefilm Canada, the Canada Media Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts.

Fondu au noir 2023 - cinéma

Being Black in Canada represents the largest training, mentoring and creative program in Canada devoted entirely to Black filmmakers. As part of the Fabienne Colas Foundation’s Relève et Diversité Initiative, the FFC’s Being Black in Canada program was created to address the glaring lack of diversity and the lack of black people in front of and behind the camera in Canada. Founded in 2012, with the first cohort launched in 2014, the Program gives a voice and a platform to creators who otherwise would not be seen or heard. The foundation promotes equal opportunities for black filmmakers while diversifying our screens, which are too white for a mixed society.

Francophone program (with English subtitles):

  • Louder (Maëlle Bonnegrace)
  • Noir comme mon art (Nkosi Phanord)
  • Nous ne trahirons pas le poème (Matthieu Pierre-Canel)
  • Mon rêve du Canada (Tani Balourd)
  • Noir : coupable et innocent (Ernst Pierre)
  • Qui se ressemble, s’assemble? (Jenny Jean-Baptiste) 

English program (with French subtitles):

  • Objects in the Mirror (Christopher Henny-Nyanguila) 
  • Blackademia (Roy Kingsley) 
  • The Coloured Women’s club (Hamda Elmi) 
  • It’s the Small Things (Yzaih Phénix-Alphonse) 
  • Remember (Aduke Babalola)
  • My culture, my home (Mikael Romulus)

From February 8 to 12 inclusively – Online – $25 

  • La rockeuse du désert (Sara Nacer),1h15 min, 2021 
  • Dear Jackie (Henri Pardo), 1h30 min, 2021 
  • Our dance of revolution (Phillip Pike), 1h42 min, 2019 

Note that a musical part, as well as a discussion and round table component will also be part of the Fade to Black festival.

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On 31 January 2023

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