Le Petit Septième

Reviews and comments on Quebec, international and author cinema

42 ideals of Maat - une

42 Ideals of Ma’at — Daughter of Ra

“I honor virtue.”

42 ideals of Maat - poster

Maat or Maʽat, refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, justice and the fundamental order of the universe. Maat is the daughter of Ra and teaches us to be pure, truthful, righteous and orderly within ourself. When we live by the sacred laws of Maat we are one with the universe and understand that we are children of the Supreme Being.

With 42 Ideals of Ma’at, Heather Regal and Donny Regal take the viewer on a journey to the heart of ancestral values originating in Egypt.


With new age-style music and images featuring stunning natural landscapes, 42 Ideals of Ma’at creates a soothing feeling in the viewer. On a visual level, the directors rely on varied landscapes that please the eyes and warm the heart.

Whether in real places, or by superimposing images, each sequence brings the viewer to a magnificent and relaxing place. Sometimes in the middle of a desert, sometimes on top of a mountain with the clouds in the distance, Heather Regal dances wearing a magnificent costume that seems to give her wings.

42 ideals of Maat - texte

To create some variety for respite, indoor shots are added to the editing. This choice gives a fuller perspective to the viewer.

In the heart of ancient Egypt

Although we may not be able to fully understand every gesture made by the woman, we cannot help but be touched by the beauty of the message. After all, this film promotes universal love, peace and optimism.

The Egyptians strongly believed that each individual was responsible for their own life and that life should be lived with thought for others and the earth. So, therefore, they cared for one another and for the land that they had been provided with. Is there anything more relevant than bringing these kinds of values to our times dominated by hatred and violence?

The directors are not afraid to try things. Overlaying images, adding digital effects or impressive costumes, everything is there to allow a complete experience.42 Ideals of Ma’at, therefore, offers a sensory experience at a time when it feels good to see something showing humanistic values.

Technical Sheet

Original Title
42 Ideals of Maat
4 minutes
Heather Regal and Donny Regal
Heather Regal and Donny Regal

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Technical Sheet

Original Title
42 Ideals of Maat
4 minutes
Heather Regal and Donny Regal
Heather Regal and Donny Regal

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