Welcome on lepetitseptieme.ca.
Le Petit Septième sells various products related to the world of cinema.
These Terms and Conditions govern the sale of products between Le Petit Septième and you.
Thank you to read these terms carefully before placing an order with Le Petit Septième. By ordering with Le Petit Septième, you signify your agreement to be bound by these conditions.
If you wish to buy one or more products on the website, you must select each product you want to buy and add it to your basket. When you have selected all the products you want to buy, you can confirm the contents of your cart and place the order.
At this point, you’ll be taken to a page summarizing the details of the products you selected, price and delivery options (with delivery charges involved). You must then select delivery options, as well as methods of sending and payment that suits you best.
At the bottom of your order summary page is the buy button. You have to click this button to confirm and place your order.
After ordering, we will send you a confirmation message. You will receive another email informing you when we send your goods.
By doing business with Le Petit Septième, you agree to receive invoices from your purchases electronically.
The products remain the property of Le Petit Septième until full payment.
Purchases are final and non-refundable.
All prices are exclusive of tax. Applicable taxes are added to the subtotal.
We show the availability of the products we sell on the website on each product, only if less than 10 units of the product remain. We can not bring more precision regarding the availability of products than what is shown on that page or elsewhere on the website.
We reserve the right to make changes to our website, our procedures, and our terms and conditions, including these Terms and Conditions at any time. You are subject to the terms and conditions, procedures and Terms and Conditions in effect at the time you order a product, unless a change to these terms and conditions or these Terms and Conditions is required by an administrative or governmental authority ( in this case, the change can be applied to previous orders you have made). If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed invalid, void, or unenforceable, for whatever reason, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the remaining provisions.
If you breach these Terms and Conditions and we take no action, we would still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you would be violating these Terms and Conditions.
Le Petit Septième is a Canadian company based in Montreal.
© 2023 Le petit septième