Le Petit Septième

Reviews and comments on Quebec, international and author cinema

5 years – Top 50

For its 5th anniversary, Le Petit Septième will make a top 50 of all the movies that our team have seen in 5 years. With more than 500 films seen, it will certainly be difficult to choose only 50, but it will be a fun exercise. The unveiling will be in December, but, by then, your contribution will be required.

Le Petit Septième will make its own choices, to which a top 5 of the readers will be added. You can vote from all the movies that appear on our site. Each person can name 3, ranking them from 1 to 3. A point system will determine which movies were the most popular. Points will be calculated as follows: #1 = 5 points, #2 = 3 points and #3 = 1 point. But, those who prefer to name only 1 or 2 films can do as well.

When the voting period begins (we will notify you on this page and on our social media), we will inform you of the contest that will be connected to it. Each participant will be registered once to the contest. Prizes will be awarded as a thank you to those who have shared their choices.

Again, thank you for reading us regularly!


Now you can vote here or on our social media by giving us your top 3 among all movies that we talked about in 5 years.

To help you, here is the list of movies from 2012 to 2016.

* The winner will receive a kit of Le Petit Septième stuff.

The top 5 is known

5 – La dernière leçon (Pascale Pouzadoux)
4 – Melody (Bernard Bellefroid)
3 – A second chance (Susanne Bier)
2 – Pantheon Discount (Stéphan Castang
1 – Mommy (Xavier Dolan)

And the winner is: Henriette Grondin

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