Le Petit Septième

Reviews and comments on Quebec, international and author cinema

Horror's greatest s2 - Une

Horror’s greatest – More movies to die for | Shudder Original

In a horror movie, more than any other kind of movie, you’re laying the groundwork for what’s to come.”

HorrorsGreatest - affiche mod s2

A gallery of ghoulish pros, including actors, directors, writers, composers, and special effects artists, draw on their unique knowledge to answer the big questions: What are the must-see films in horror’s many sub-genres? What’s the appeal of horror tropes, and how do today’s filmmakers subvert our expectations? What shape does horror take in countries outside of the United States? The answers encompass the breath of the nightmares we watch for our entertainment.

With this second season, Horror’s greatest offers a deep dive into everything we love about horror – from new takes on the classics to the discovery of dozens of hidden treasures.

Lots of titles you’ll want to see

The greatest strength of Horror’s greatest is that it offers fans of the genre a multitude of titles to discover. No matter how many films you’ve seen, I can promise you’ll discover new ones you’ll want to see. 

But it’s also an opportunity to see certain films in a different light, as each film is presented from a fan’s point of view. Even if the people presenting them are either film experts or creators, they offer a primarily fan’s point of view and explain why that film is trippy. 

Horror's greatest - Beaucoup de titres

After all, you don’t really watch a horror movie to see a masterpiece. You watch a horror film to experience sensations. And that’s exactly what these 5 new episodes offer. 

The episodes

“Animal Attacks” – Premieres Tuesday, December 31 on SHUDDER and AMC+ 

A great animal attack movie pushes all of our human-against-nature buttons. From demented sharks to unhinged chimps, this episode sorts out the leaders of the cinematic pack. We also shame the worst horror pets (and give treats to the best).

An episode that will make animal lovers break out in a cold sweat, and make you think about what kind of animal you should adopt… or not. And don’t underestimate rabbits and frogs.

 “Killer Dates” – Premieres Tuesday, January 7 on SHUDDER and AMC+ 

Dates in horror are worst-case scenarios that go way past awkward silences. Your lovemate is either a serial killer, a tormented psychic, or comes from a family that wants to hunt you for sport. Looking for love inevitably leads to blood and carnage.

This is probably the best episode of season 2, and you may not realize it, but it’s perhaps the most frequently used theme in horror cinema.

“Hidden Gems” – Premieres Tuesday, January 14 on SHUDDER and AMC+ 

What special film would you recommend to the ghoul who has “seen everything?” In this episode, genre mavens select 13 movies that have been forgotten, overlooked, unfairly maligned, or are hard to find – all bloody gems hidden beneath the floorboards.

This is probably the most exciting episode for those who think they’ve seen it all. I, for one, have been taking notes.

“Film Scores” – Premieres Tuesday, January 21 on SHUDDER and AMC+ 

From King Kong’s epic orchestra to the unnerving electronics of Under the Skin to the suspenseful muted strings in Psycho, composers have used every style of music to frighten audiences. Horror scores blaze trails, bringing new instruments and radical musical forms into popular consciousness.

This is perhaps the most specific episode in the series. It’s also a time to reflect on the effect of music in film.

“Space Horror” – Premieres Tuesday, January 28 on SHUDDER and AMC+ 

Alien. 2001. Forbidden Planet. Many of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made are also horror films. The vastness of space, the claustrophobia of space travel, and the inconceivable horrors that might lurk in the void make for spine-tingling filmmaking.

Horror's greates s2 - Space

An amazing episode that, even for someone like me who doesn’t like space movies, will make you realize that this genre has been around for a very long time.

A little more…

While second seasons generally fall well short of the first, Horror’s greatest avoided the traps. The order of episodes has also been well chosen to avoid losing viewers from the outset, or ending in disappointment. 

Each episode is easy to watch and remains fairly light, even when the theme is more focused. As a result, the less knowledgeable viewer won’t lose interest, and the true fan will also get his money’s worth.

This series has something to offer all horror film fans.


Technical Sheet

Original Title
Horror’s greatest | season 2
50 minutes
7.5 /10

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Technical Sheet

Original Title
Horror’s greatest | season 2
50 minutes
7.5 /10

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